Privacy Policy

Danish version

The provider of this website is Dansk Auktions Service ApS (Klaravik Denmark) (CVR no. 36920882, Stengårdsvej 25, 4340 Tølløse). 

We are a private company offering our selling customers (Sellers) online auction services, the sale of toolsmachinescommercial vehicles, and assets from bankruptcy cases, hereinafter referred to as "the Service." This is done through You, as the user with your own login credentials for the Service, are referred to below as "User." 

Klaravik Denmark will collect and process personal data about you through this website. 

What personal data do we process through the website? 

Klaravik Denmark processes the following categories of personal data through this website: 


 - Address 

 - Phone number 


 - CVR number (personal data for individual businesses) 

 - IP address 

 - Traffic on the website 

 - Information through cookies that you have consented to or that are necessary for the delivery of a service you have expressly requested 

 Logging of correspondence with us through the website (e.g., contact form) 

Why do we process your personal data? 

Klaravik Denmark collects this personal data about you as a seller and buyer in order to offer the service, fulfill our obligations to you, and provide you with the best experience in both the service and our website. 

It is necessary for us to collect data to identify you, manage your account for statistical purposes, and for direct marketing (which you can opt out of). 

Contact details, business information, and information about the auctions you participated in are necessary to fulfill our obligations, such as handling your bids, billing, and sending information to you. 

When you contact us through one of Klaravik Denmark's communication channelsyour information is used to handle the matter, be able to contact you, and help improve our service as well as by keeping the matter for any potential recurring questions. 

When you visit Klaravik Denmark's website, you are asked to specify whether and to what extent you accept cookies for the processing of your information. 

Who do we share personal data with? 

Sometimes we may share personal data with subcontractors or partners of Klaravik Denmark. Klaravik Denmark enters into data processing agreements with all relevant data processors. 

In addition, we share information with Klaravik AB (Klaravik Sweden), which operates Klaravik auctions in SwedenWe do this to achieve the best possible trading experience for users. 

How long do we keep your personal data? 

Klaravik Denmark retains personal data about you as a registered user for as long as there is a customer relationship or for as long as it is legally and necessary to achieve the purposes described in this policy. 

Upon termination of the agreement, Klaravik Denmark will delete or anonymize your information within a reasonable time after termination, unless another Danish or European law, court, or authority states otherwise. Our standard deletion period is 3 years after the end of the partnership or 10 years after the last activity for a user you have not closed yourself. 

Information collected through cookies is deleted upon the expiration of the respective cookie. You can read more about this in our cookie policy. 

We reserve the right to delete information earlier than the end of the standard deletion periods if we determine that we do not have a lawful or legitimate basis for continuing to process or retain your information. 

If you want to know more 

If you have questions about this policy and the processing of your personal data, or if you wish to delete or correct incorrect information, you can contact us through the contact details found on Klaravik Denmark's website. 

Read more about our use of cookies here (in danish). 

Read more about our fulfillment of the obligation to provide information about personal data here (in danish). 




Welcome to Klaravik's document on the processing of personal data. This document is intended to help you make an informed choice about your relationship with us. 

Inden vi går ind i de nærmere detaljer, ønsker vi at påpege tre vigtige punkter, som dette dokument handler om. Punkterne er vigtige for os, fordi vi ved, at de er vigtige for dig: 

1. We want to make our responsibility clear regarding the protection of your rights and your confidentiality. 

 2. We explain how we use the personal information you share with us to provide you with Klaravik's services and to give you the best experience of them, the website, and when you are in contact with us. 

 3. The document aims to provide you with insight into what information we collect and what we use or do not use it for. 

Parties and responsibility for the processing of your personal data 

Klaravik ApS, Stengårdsvej 25, Lunderød, 4340 Tølløse, CVR no. 36920882, is a private service company that offers our clients (sellers) online auction services and repurchase of tools, machines, commercial vehicles, and bankruptcy estates, hereinafter referred to as 'the Service.' This is done through You, as a user with your own login to the Service, are hereinafter referred to as 'the User. 

The organization has a 'Data Protection Officer' who represents you in relation to the Service and is responsible for adding users, assigning rights, and monitoring how Klaravik processes data, including personal data. 

Klaravik is the data controller for the processing of the personal data you share with us when: 

 you order the Service as a client. 

 you receive login credentials and become a user of the Service. 

 you have questions and/or contact us. 

 you visit our website and accept cookies. 

The personal data processed varies depending on the nature of the contact we have and whether you are a business or an individual. Business information may become personal data for a customer who is a sole proprietorship. When you order the Service as a client, we collect your contact information and business information. In order to use the Service, all users have registered contact information, login information, and online identification with us. If you have questions or contact us about a matter, the amount of personal data and the specific personal data may vary depending on the communication channel used. The categories of personal data are typically contact information, online identification, business information, and the matter itself in the form of unstructured material that contains the personal data you have chosen to share with us. A detailed list of which personal data is present within the different categories, in specific cases, and the legal basis for the processing can be found in Appendix 1. Information about what cookies is and how we handle cookies can be found on the website. 

Why do we process your personal data? 

Klaravik collects personal data about you as a user and customer in order to offer the Service, fulfill our obligations to you according to the agreement, and provide you with the best possible experience of both the Service and our website. We need your personal data to identify you, manage your account, and provide necessary functions for the Service. If you have consented, Klaravik may also collect and use your personal data for statistics and direct marketing. Contact information, business information, and information about the auctions you have participated in are necessary to fulfill our obligations, such as handling your bids, billing, and sending information to you. When you contact us through one of Klaravik's communication channels, your information is used to handle the matter, contact you, and help improve our service by keeping the matter for recurring questions. When you visit Klaravik's website, you can choose to consent to cookies in connection with the processing of your information. 

Who do we share personal data with? 

We may share personal data with subcontractors or our business partners. These parties have the same obligations regarding the processing of personal data under GDPR as we do. 

How long do we keep your personal data? 

Our retention of your personal data is determined based on a specific assessment. The following describes the basis for our procedure. However, this basis may be deviated from if it’is necessary to comply with data protection rules, including avoiding storing’ personal data for a longer period than is legitimate and proportional. 

 Klaravik retains personal data about you as a registered user for as long as there is an existing relationship, or it is necessary to fulfill the purposes described in this policy. Upon termination of the agreement, Klaravik will delete or anonymize your information within a reasonable time after termination, unless another Danish or European law, court, or authority prescribes otherwise. Information in the Service is deleted by the system administrator. Information collected when you contact us is retained for as long as you are a customer with us to fulfill our obligations. At the end of the customer relationship, we may retain the data as evidence in case of issues arising from a weighing of interests. In such a case, retention is limited to a passive system with controlled authorization. 

What rights do you have? 

As a registered user with Klaravik, you have several rights that you should be aware of. You have the right to request, once a year and free of charge, a written account of the information registered about you, provided you have legitimate grounds for the request. You also have the right to data portability of your personal data in certain cases. You have the right to have your personal data corrected if it is inaccurate, incomplete, or misleading, and the right to restrict the processing of personal data until they are amended. You have the right to be forgotten, but the deletion of personal data may not take place if they are required to fulfill the agreement or if another Danish or European law, court, or authority decision states otherwise, and if it is based on a balancing of interests. If you believe there are no legitimate grounds, or that the balancing of interests is incorrect, you have the right to object to the processing. You also have the right to withdraw consent, file complaints about the processing to the Danish Data Protection Authority, object to automated decisions and profiling, and object to direct marketing. 

If you want to know more 

If you have questions about this policy and the processing of your personal data, or if you want to have incorrect information deleted or corrected, you can contact us using the contact information on Klaravik's website. 

You can read more about Klaravik's obligation to provide information under the General Data Protection Regulation here: (in danish) 

You can read more about our use of cookies here: 

Klaravik also collaborates with YouTube for digital viewing of our items through YouTube's API upload of videos. You can read more about our collaboration here: (in danish  


APPENDIX 1 - Categories of personal data  


For information about our handling of cookies when using the website, please see our cookie policy here: 

Privacy Policy: 

For information referred to our privacy policy, please read the full policy here:  


"DBF: General Data Protection Regulation1" 


"DBL: Data Protection Act 2" 


1 Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) (EEA-relevant text). 

2 2Act No. 502 of 23 May 2018 on supplementary provisions to the regulation on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (Data Protection Act). 

 1. Ordering and use of the Service 







Phone number 




CVR number 

Enter into an agreement for the use of the Service, as well as the provision of the Service. 


Fulfill our legal obligations. 

When the purpose is the provision of the Service, the legal basis is the fulfillment of the agreement (Data Protection Act Art. 6, para. 1, lit. b). 


When the purpose is the fulfillment of a legal obligation, the legal basis is the fulfillment of the obligation (Data Protection Act Art. 6, para. 1, lit. c). 

According to our privacy policy. 

According to our privacy policy. 

You as the buyer (yourself). 


Partners, according to the privacy policy. 

2.When you contact us via website, email, or phone


Types of information 


Legal basis 



Source of information 





Contact information; 


Phone number 




Optional user ID 

If your inquiry relates to entering into or fulfilling an agreement between us, the information is processed for this purpose. 


If your inquiry is made in connection with a legal obligation we have towards you, we use the information to fulfill that obligation. 


Additionally, we use the information to respond to your inquiry in general. 

If the purpose is a contract between you and us, the legal basis is the entering into or fulfillment of the contract (GDPR Article 6(1)(b)). 


If the purpose is to fulfill a legal obligation, the legal basis is the fulfillment of that obligation (GDPR Article 6(1)(c)). 


If the purpose is otherwise to respond to your inquiry, the legal basis is our legitimate interest in receiving and responding to your inquiry (GDPR Article 6(1)(f)). 

According to our privacy policy. 

According to our privacy policy. 

Buyer (you). 


Partners, as per the privacy policy. 


Case information; 


Contains the personal data you choose to write to us. 

As above. 

As above. 

As above. 

As above. 

As above. 






Company name 


VAT registration number 

As above. 

As above. 

As above. 

As above. 

As above.